On the price of (my) higher education

With my higher education studies behind me, I wanted to reflect a bit on the different amount of tuition fees that I experienced moving around European universities. Stage 1: France I started in 2008 with a Bachelor of science in Strasbourg, at that time you had to pay around 500€ for a year. In these … Continue reading On the price of (my) higher education

Simulating SEMs for piecewiseSEM: part 1 the basics

Structural Equation Models are being used more and more frequently by ecologists due to the appeal of linking variables together in complex web of interactions. There are currently two main libraries in R to fit such models: lavaan and piecewiseSEM. The aim of this post is not to discuss the advantages and drawbacks of these … Continue reading Simulating SEMs for piecewiseSEM: part 1 the basics